#!/bin/bash #vars version="nil" vmID="nil" echo "############## Start of Script ############## ## Checking if temp dir is available..." if [ -d /root/temp ] then echo "-- Directory exists!" else echo "-- Creating temp dir!" mkdir /home/root/temp fi # Ask user for version echo "## Preparing for image download and VM creation!" read -p "Please input CHR version to deploy (6.38.2, 6.40.1, etc):" version # Check if image is available and download if needed if [ -f /root/temp/chr-$version.img ] then echo "-- CHR image is available." else echo "-- Downloading CHR $version image file." cd /root/temp echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" wget https://download2.mikrotik.com/routeros/$version/chr-$version.img.zip unzip chr-$version.img.zip echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi # List already existing VM's and ask for vmID echo "== Printing list of VM's on this hypervisor!" qm list echo "" read -p "Please Enter free vm ID to use:" vmID echo "" # Create storage dir for VM if needed. if [ -d /var/lib/vz/images/$vmID ] then echo "-- VM Directory exists! Ideally try another vm ID!" read -p "Please Enter free vm ID to use:" vmID else echo "-- Creating VM image dir!" mkdir /var/lib/vz/images/$vmID fi # Creating qcow2 image for CHR. echo "-- Converting image to qcow2 format " qemu-img convert \ -f raw \ -O qcow2 \ /root/temp/chr-$version.img \ /var/lib/vz/images/$vmID/vm-$vmID-disk-1.qcow2 # Creating VM echo "-- Creating new CHR VM" qm create $vmID \ --name chr-$version \ --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \ --bootdisk virtio0 \ --ostype l26 \ --memory 256 \ --onboot no \ --sockets 1 \ --cores 1 \ --virtio0 local:$vmID/vm-$vmID-disk-1.qcow2 echo "############## End of Script ##############"
- Buat chmod a+x chr.sh
- ./chr.sh atau sh chr.sh
- Nanti tinggal pilih versi chr dan VM id
- Setelah itu tinggal running VM nya , lalu tinggal setting IP untuk CHR nya
- source bisa liat di : https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:CHR_ProxMox_installation
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