“Membuat Alert Disk Space dengan Bash Script”
Penggunaan disk adalah laporan yang dihasilkan oleh sistem Linux tentang berbagai disk yang tersedia atau dibuat pada memori sekunder. Disk ini juga dikenal sebagai partisi, mereka memiliki sistem file yang terisolasi. Fasilitas ini memberi kita pengukuran berbagai label atau fitur seperti Ruang yang digunakan, Ruang kosong, Sistem file disk, dll. Untuk melihat semua label ini, Linux memiliki beberapa perintah internal yang membantu kita untuk memvisualisasikannya, tetapi itu adalah perintah terminal, dan kita perlu membuat skrip shell untuk pengguna menggunakan perintah tersebut.
yum update -y yum install mailx -y mailx -V Test email echo "This is test email" | mail -s "Test Email" games@gmail.com
Cara 1 -> set threshold at 60%
# vi /opt/script/disk-usage-alert.sh #!/bin/sh dusage=$(df -Ph | grep -vE '^tmpfs|cdrom' | sed s/%//g | awk '{ if($5 > 60) print $0;}') fscount=$(echo "$dusage" | wc -l) if [ $fscount -ge 2 ]; then echo "$dusage" | mail -s "Disk Space Alert On $(hostname) at $(date)" example@gmail.com else echo "Disk usage is in under threshold" fi
Ganti Permission
chmod +x /opt/script/disk-usage-alert.sh
Jalankan command
sh /opt/script/disk-usage-alert.sh
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_root 10G 6.7G 3.4G 67 / /dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_home 5.0G 4.3G 784M 85 /home
Crontab 10 menit
# crontab -e */10 * * * * /bin/bash /opt/script/disk-usage-alert.sh
Cara 2
# vi /opt/script/disk-usage-alert-1.sh #!/bin/sh df -Ph | grep -vE '^Filesystem|tmpfs|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5,$1 }' | while read output; do echo $output used=$(echo $output | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/%//g) partition=$(echo $output | awk '{print $2}') if [ $used -ge 60 ]; then echo "The partition \"$partition\" on $(hostname) has used $used% at $(date)" | mail -s "Disk Space Alert: $used% Used On $(hostname)" example@gmail.com else echo "Disk space usage is in under threshold" fi done
The partition "/dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_home" on 2g.CentOS7 has used 85% at Wed Feb 24 06:16:14 IST 2021 The partition "/dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_root" on 2g.CentOS7 has used 67% at Wed Feb 24 06:16:14 IST 2021
Cara 3 -> Spesific Path
# vi /opt/script/disk-usage-alert-2.sh #!/bin/bash used=$(df -Ph | grep '/dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_dbs' | awk {'print $5'}) max=80% if [ ${used%?} -ge ${max%?} ]; then echo "The Mount Point "/DB" on $(hostname) has used $used at $(date)" | mail -s "Disk space alert on $(hostname): $used used" example@gmail.com fi
The partition /dev/mapper/vg_2g-lv_dbs on 2g.CentOS6 has used 82% at Wed Feb 24 06:16:14 IST 2021
Cara 4
#!/bin/sh path1=$(du -sh /var) path2=$(du -sh /home) main(){ echo "Disk Used Pada Server $(hostname) :" echo "" echo "$path1" echo "$path2" } main |mail -s "Disk Usage Server $(hostname)- $(date)" sample@gmail.com
Disk Used Pada Server games.com : 760M /var 12K /home
Cara 5
#!/bin/sh path1=$(du -ch --max-depth=1 /var | sort -h) main(){ echo "Disk Used Pada Server $(hostname) :" echo "" echo "$path1" } main |mail -s "Disk Usage Server $(hostname)- $(date)" games@gmail.com
Cara 6
#!/bin/bash # Set Variables Today="at $(date '+%H:%M:%S - %d-%b-%y')" CurrentDate=`date +"%d_%b_%Y"` IPADDRESS=`hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'` # HTML Table Report ( echo '<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Folder Size</TITLE></HEAD>' echo '<BODY>' echo '<H3>Folder Size Report Server - '$(uname -n) ip ${IPADDRESS}'</H3>' echo '<P>Report Generated '${Today}'</P>' echo '<TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=0>' echo '<TR BGCOLOR=\"#BBFFFF\"> <TH>Size</TH> <TH>Path</TH><//TR>' # Folder Size ArryCount=0 du -h --max-depth=1 /var |sort -rh|while read Size Path do echo '<TR><TD>'$Size'</TD><TD>'$Path'</TD>' ArryCount=$ArryCount+1 done ) | tee `hostname`_folder_size-$CurrentDate.html # Sending E-Mail Notification ( echo To: yuby@gmail.com echo From: admin echo "Content-Type: text/html;" echo Subject: Folder Size Report for server `hostname` ip $IPADDRESS echo cat `hostname`_folder_size-$CurrentDate.html ) | sendmail -t echo -e "Report Generation is Completed... \n\a"
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