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Cara Install Speedtest CLI Ookla


“Cara Install Speedtest CLI Ookla”


Jika kamu ingin mengetest server mu atau VPS yang kamu miliki berapa BW untuk upload dan download nya , kamu bisa menggunakan Speedtest-cli . Dengan tools ini kamu bisa melakukan speed test dari dalam server sehingga nanti terlihat BW servermu berapa limit nya.

Cara Install Speedtest CLI Ookla

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo yum install speedtest -y
sudo apt-get install curl
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install speedtest
brew tap teamookla/speedtest
brew update
# Example how to remove conflicting or old versions using brew
# brew uninstall speedtest --force
brew install speedtest --force
sudo pkg update && sudo pkg install -g libidn2 ca_root_nss
# Example how to remove conflicting or old versions using pkg
# sudo pkg remove speedtest
# freeBSD 12 install
sudo pkg add ""
# freeBSD 13 install
sudo pkg add ""

Test Install di Centos 7

# speedtest

You may only use this Speedtest software and information generated
from it for personal, non-commercial use, through a command line
interface on a personal computer. Your use of this software is subject
to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at
these URLs:


Do you accept the license? [type YES to accept]: yes
License acceptance recorded. Continuing.

   Speedtest by Ookla

     Server: BitsNet - Jakarta (id = 21296)
        ISP: PT Artha Telekomindo
    Latency:     2.13 ms   (0.34 ms jitter)
   Download:    59.36 Mbps (data used: 95.9 MB )
     Upload:    66.89 Mbps (data used: 75.3 MB )
Packet Loss:     0.7%
 Result URL:
speedtest --server-id=4235


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