“Orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes”
Kubernetes adalah proyek sumber terbuka (tersedia di kubernetes.io) yang dapat berjalan di berbagai lingkungan, mulai dari laptop hingga kluster multi-node dengan ketersediaan tinggi, dari cloud publik hingga penerapan di lokasi, dari mesin virtual hingga bare metal.
Google Kubernetes Engine
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-b
gcloud container clusters create io
Task 1. Get the sample code
- Buka cloud shell
gsutil cp -r gs://spls/gsp021/* .
cd orchestrate-with-kubernetes/kubernetes
Task 2. Quick Kubernetes Demo
- Buat container nginx
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0
- Cek pod
kubectl get pods
- expose keluar
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer
- cek list service
kubectl get services
curl http://<External IP>:80
Task 3. Pods
Task 4. Creating pods
- Masuk ke folder
cd ~/orchestrate-with-kubernetes/kubernetes
cat pods/monolith.yaml
- Create monolith pod
kubectl create -f pods/monolith.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pods monolith
Task 5. Interacting with pods
- setting forwading
kubectl port-forward monolith 10080:80
- Test dari terminal 2
curl -u user
TOKEN=$(curl -u user|jq -r '.token')
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
- Cek log dari terminal 3
kubectl logs monolith
kubectl logs -f monolith
- masuk ke pod
kubectl exec monolith --stdin --tty -c monolith -- /bin/sh
ping -c 3 google.com
Task 6. Services
Task 7. Creating a service
- Masuk ke folder
cd ~/orchestrate-with-kubernetes/kubernetes
cat pods/secure-monolith.yaml
kubectl create secret generic tls-certs --from-file tls/
kubectl create configmap nginx-proxy-conf --from-file nginx/proxy.conf
kubectl create -f pods/secure-monolith.yaml
cat services/monolith.yaml
kubectl create -f services/monolith.yaml
Task 8. Adding labels to pods
kubectl get pods -l "app=monolith"
kubectl get pods -l "app=monolith,secure=enabled"
kubectl label pods secure-monolith 'secure=enabled'
kubectl get pods secure-monolith --show-labels
kubectl describe services monolith | grep Endpoints
gcloud compute instances list
curl -k https://<EXTERNAL_IP>:31000
Task 9. Deploying applications with Kubernetes
Task 10. Creating deployments
kubectl create -f deployments/auth.yaml
kubectl create -f services/auth.yaml
kubectl create -f deployments/hello.yaml
kubectl create -f services/hello.yaml
kubectl create configmap nginx-frontend-conf --from-file=nginx/frontend.conf
kubectl create -f deployments/frontend.yaml
kubectl create -f services/frontend.yaml
kubectl get services frontend
curl -k https://<EXTERNAL-IP>
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