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Monitoring and Logging for Cloud Functions


Monitoring and Logging for Cloud Functions


Di lab ini, Anda menggunakan Cloud Monitoring untuk melihat detail Cloud Functions di Google Cloud Console. Detail Cloud Function mencakup waktu dan jumlah eksekusi, serta penggunaan memori.


Task 1. Viewing Cloud Function logs & metrics in Cloud Monitoring

Function Name: helloWorld
Trigger type: HTTP
Authentication: check the box next to Allow unauthenticated invocations
curl -LO ''
tar xvzf vegeta-v6.3.0-linux-386.tar.gz
echo "GET" | ./vegeta attack -duration=300s > results.bin

Task 2. Create logs-based metric

hange the Metric Type to Distribution.
Name your metric CloudFunctionLatency-Logs.
Enter textPayload for Field name.
Enter the following in the Regular Expression field:
execution took (\d+)

Task 3. Metrics Explorer

Create a Monitoring Metrics Scope

Task 4. Create charts on the Monitoring Overview window


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