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Cara Install Zenoss di centos 6


Currently, Zenoss officially supports 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux and 64-bit CentOS. We will be using a CentOS 6.4 64-bit image on our virtual private server.

Zenoss requires 4GB of RAM to operate correctly, so we will be using a Droplet with 4GB of RAM and 60GB of SSD space.

tahap instalasi :

1. update centos

yum update -y

2. pastikan mysql tidak terinstall di server

yum remove mysql-libs -y

3. download zenoss

wget –no-check-certificate -O auto.tar.gz

4. extract lalu install

tar xvf auto.tar.gz
cd zenoss-core-autodeploy-*

5. nanti pencet huruf ” Q ” enter , lalu ketik yes enter
6. masukkan password mysql
7. untuk ngetest


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