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install virtualmin in centos

Update System

First we will update the system to ensure that Burberry Sweaters  we have all of the latest software installed.

# sudo yum -y update


Install pre-requisites

We need to install a few things before VirtualMin Burberry Outlet UK  will install. Type the following:

# sudo yum -y install perl


Download VirtualMin Installer

Now we need to download the VirtualMin installer. Type the following to download it:

 # wget



Now it is time to install VirtualMin. To do so, use the command below:

# sudo sh

You will be prompted with a license agreement. Press Y followed by Enter to continue.

It will begin performing several checks and installing the required components.

Once it has completed you should see a line similar to the following:

ssapi mod_ssl ruby ruby-devel rubygems perl-XML-Simple perl-Crypt-SSLeay: Succeeded.

Logging In

You are now ready to log into your VirtualMin console. To do this point your web browser to, and making sure to change this address to your server IP address. You will be prompted with a login screen. On your first login use the username root and type in your root password.

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