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Create an Internal Load Balancer


“Create an Internal Load Balancer


Google Cloud menawarkan Load Balancing Internal untuk lalu lintas berbasis TCP/UDP Anda. Load Balancing Internal memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalankan dan menskalakan layanan Anda di belakang alamat IP penyeimbangan beban pribadi yang hanya dapat diakses oleh mesin virtual internal Anda.


Task 1. Configure HTTP and health check firewall rules

Explore the my-internal-app network

Create the HTTP firewall rule

Create the health check firewall rules

Task 2. Configure instance templates and create instance groups

Configure the instance templates

Configure the next instance template

Create the managed instance groups

Verify the backends

Verify that VM instances are being created in both subnets and create a utility VM to access the backends’ HTTP sites.


Task 3. Configure the Internal Load Balancer

Configure the Internal Load Balancer to balance traffic between the two backends (instance-group-1 in us-central1-a and instance-group-2 in us-central1-b), as illustrated in this diagram:

Start the configuration

Configure the regional backend service

Configure the frontend

Review and create the Internal Load Balancer

Task 4. Test the Internal Load Balancer

Verify that the my-ilb IP address forwards traffic to instance-group-1 in us-central1-a and instance-group-2 in us-central1-b.

Access the Internal Load Balancer



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