1. install dahulu crontab dan mailx
ubuntu /debian : apt-get install cron apt-get install heirloom-mailx (harus versi 12.5) #jika di debian 9 harus ikutin petunjuk berikut : masukan repo debian jessie : nano /etc/apt/source.list deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian jessie main lalu update : apt-get update -y apt-get install heirloom-mailx cek versi : dpkg -l |grep mail heirloom-mailx 12.5-4 amd64 feature-rich BSD mail(1) Centos :
yum install cronie -y yum -y install mailx 2. pastikan service nya running 3. contoh saya akan melakukan backup config DNS 4. buat script bash di /home/backup/backup.sh 5. lalu chmod a+x backup.sh masukan scrip berikut : #!/bin/bash #################################### # # Backup script. # #################################### # What to backup. backup_files1=\"/var/cache/bind/*\" backup_files2=\"/etc/bind/*\" # Where to backup to. dest=\"/home/backup\" # Create archive filename. day=$(date +\"%m-%d-%y\") hostname=$(hostname -s) archive_file=\"$hostname-$day.tar.gz\" # Print start status message. echo \"Backing up $backup_files1 to $dest/$archive_file\" echo \"Backing up $backup_files2 to $dest/$archive_file\" date echo # Backup the files using tar. tar czf $dest/$archive_file $backup_files1 $backup_files2 # Print end status message. echo echo \"Backup finished\" date # Long listing of files in $dest to check file sizes. # ls -lh $dest sleep 1m # delete file setelah 1 hari find /home/backup/ns1-* -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \\; sleep 5 # email mail -r [email protected] -s \"DNS Backup\" -a $dest/$archive_file -S smtp=smtp.xxx.net [email protected] <<< \"isi Backup DNS\" # log [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -e \'backup \\e[91mfailed\\e[0m\' >> /var/log/backup/backup.log || echo -e \'backup \\e[32msuccess\\e[0m\' >> /var/log/backup/backup.log 5. setting crontab 0 4 * * * /home/backup/backup.sh misal : tiap jam 4 pagi .
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