Welcome to the OpenBSD/i386 5.9 Installation Program. (I)nstall, (U)pgrade, (A)uto install or (S)hell ? I Choose your keyboarad layout (\'?\' or L for list) [default] Enter System Hostname ? nothinux Which Network interfaces do you wish to configure? for \'done\' [em0] Enter IPv4 address for em0? none IPv6 address for em0? none Which Network interfaces do you wish to configure? for \'done\' [done] Enter
DNS Domain name ? nothinux.id
DNS Nameservers ? none Password root account ? ketikan password
Password root account ? ketikan password lagi
Start sshd by default ? yes
Do you expect to run the X Windows System ? yes
Do you want te X Windows System to be started by xdm ? yes
Change the default console to com0 ? no
Setup a user ? nothinux
Full name for user nothinux ? Taufik Mulyana
Password for user nothinux ? ketikan password
Allow root ssh login ? yes
Which disk is the root disk [wd0] Enter
use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR ? W
use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom layout ? A
Lets Install the sets!
Location of sets ? cd0
Pathname to the sets ? [5.9/i386] Enter
set name(s)? (or \'abort\' or \'done\') [done] Enter
Directory does not contain SHA256.sig, Continue without verivication ? yes
Location of sets ? done
What timezone are you in ? Asia/Jakarta
# reboot
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