Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Centos DevOps Webuzo

How to Install webuzo ?


Newly installed CentOS 5.x / 6.x or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x / 6.x or Scientific Linux 5.x / 6.x (x86 or x86_64) / Ubuntu LTS
YUM / apt-get / tar / wget packages installed
RAM – Minimum 512 MB (Recommended 1GB for best performance)
Disk Space – Minimum 5GB (Recommended 10GB for best performance)

Note : There should be no PHP, Apache, MySQL installed on the server


Open a Shell Terminal (e.g. PuTTY) and SSH to your server. Run the following commands:

wget -N http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh
chmod 0755 install.sh

./install.sh // This will install the LAMP Stack, DNS Server and FTP server along with Webuzo


./install.sh –install=lamp,bind // This will install the LAMP Stack(softname -> lamp) and DNS Server
(softname -> bind) along with Webuzo.
Note : softname for Apps should be comma separated.
Get list of softnames for the Apps here : http://api.webuzo.com/apps.php


./install.sh –install=none // This will install only Webuzo without any LAMP Stack.
You can later install apps from the Apps Category in the Enduser Panel.

finish :

Welcome to Webuzo Installer
Installation Logs : tail -f /root/webuzo-install.log

1) Installing Libraries and Dependencies
2) Setting UP WEBUZO
3) Downloading and Installing Webuzo
4) Downloading System Apps

Installation Completed
Congratulations, Webuzo has been successfully installed

You can now configure Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :

Thank you for choosing Webuzo !

This will setup the required Web Server and other important configurations. Note : A log file of the installation process will be created – /root/webuzo-install.log

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Webuzo has two sections :
Admin Panel

To login to the Softaculous Webuzo Admin Panel, visit the following URL :
Enduser Panel

To login to the Softaculous Webuzo Enduser Panel, visit the following URL :

The username and password will be the same that you entered during the Initial Setup

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