Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Browser Puter

Puter – OS yang bisa di Akses dari Browser


“Puter – OS yang bisa di Akses dari Browser


Bayangkan jika kalian bisa akses Operasi System atau sebuah komputer yang bisa di akses dari browser dan bisa di akses darimana saja. Hal inilah yang coba di kembangkan oleh puter .

Puter adalah sistem operasi internet sumber terbuka dan canggih yang dirancang kaya fitur, sangat cepat, dan sangat dapat diperluas. Ini dapat digunakan untuk membangun lingkungan desktop jarak jauh atau berfungsi sebagai antarmuka untuk layanan penyimpanan cloud, server jarak jauh, platform hosting web, dan banyak lagi.


website -> https://puter.com/

Github -> https://github.com/HeyPuter/puter

Cara Install OS Puter

git clone https://github.com/HeyPuter/puter
cd puter
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm start

Akses -> http://localhost:4000 | IP:4000

mkdir puter && cd puter && mkdir -p puter/config puter/data && sudo chown -R 1000:1000 puter && docker run --rm -p 4100:4100 -v `pwd`/puter/config:/etc/puter -v `pwd`/puter/data:/var/puter  ghcr.io/heyputer/puter
mkdir -p puter/config puter/data
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 puter
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HeyPuter/puter/main/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d
  • Configuration
config/config.json when Using Docker
volatile/config/config.json in Local Development
/etc/puter/config.json on a server (or within a Docker container)
To access Puter on your device, you can simply go to the address printed in the server console (usually puter.localhost:4100).

To access Puter from another device, a domain name must be configured, as well as an api subdomain. For example, example.local might be the domain name pointing to the IP address of the server running puter, and api.example.com must point to this address as well. This domain must be specified in the configuration file (usually volatile/config/config.json) as well.


- Windows
Open Notepad as an administrator.
Open the file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Add lines for your domain and subdomain with the server's IP address, in the following format: puter.local api.puter.local

- For macOS and Linux:
Open a terminal.
Edit the hosts file with a text editor, e.g., sudo nano /etc/hosts.
Add lines for your domain and subdomain with the server's IP address, in the following format: puter.local api.puter.local


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