Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Cpanel/WHM Exim

JIka ada yang nyerang imap atau pop3 cpanel Feb 10 11:06:25 reborn dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts in 5 secs)

1) Login to Server as a root user.

2) Open the csf config file using the text editor like vi, vim.

vi /etc/csf/csf.config

3) Then find the following entries.

To change FTP login failed attempt value.

LF_FTPD = “10”

To change the value failure detection of SMTP AUTH connections.


To change login failure detection value of courier pop3 connections.

LF_POP3D = “5”

To change login failure detection value of courier imap connections

LF_IMAPD = “10”

To change login failure detection value of cPanel, webmail and WHM connections.


4) Then save this config file after changing these values.

5) You have to restart csf and lfd services.

6) Flush CSF

csf -r

service csf restart.

service lfd restart.

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