Thursday, July 25, 2024
Cpanel/WHM Exim

Blocking Unknown/Unresolved IP’s and Dont have rDNS PTR for Stop Pshising or Spam

Cara nya :

  • Login to WHM
  • Masuk ke menu exim configuration
  • Pilih yang advanced config
  • Masukan script berikut :
require verify = reverse_host_lookup
  message = Your mail server IP address ($sender_host_address) has no reverse DNS PTR
  • Dengan tambahan allow sender
require verify = reverse_host_lookup
  message = Your mail server IP address ($sender_host_address) has no reverse DNS PTR
  !sender_domains = /etc/skiprdns
  • Dengan tambahan Allow IP
require verify = reverse_host_lookup
  message = Your mail server IP address ($sender_host_address) has no reverse DNS PTR
  !hosts =
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Baca Juga :  Cannot Read License File Cpanel Setelah Ganti IP Public

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